Sunday Feb 04, 2024

InsectBiotech Group Introduction CEO Interview

In the InsectBiotech Group podcast, co-founders Toby Webb and CEO Ignacio Gavilan discuss their innovative venture in Andalusia, Spain, transforming olive oil milling agricultural waste into valuable products like animal protein, organic fertiliser, oils, and chitin for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. They leverage the black soldier fly's ability to convert waste into protein and fertilizer efficiently within 14 to 16 days, thanks to its rapid growth and versatility in feeding on various organic materials. The company is in the process of setting up pilot facilities, or 'grow boxes', to optimize conversion rates before scaling up to larger plants. They have partnered with local suppliers and the University of Granada for R&D, aiming to create sustainable, circular production systems that regenerate rural communities and displace unsustainable inputs like fish meal and fossil fuel-based fertilizers. With a focus on attracting local investment to support their expansion, InsectBiotech Group is poised to make a significant impact on sustainable manufacturing and circular economy practices in the agricultural sector.

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